OMSC e-Courses

The Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation (OMSC) team has created five e-learning courses designed to teach healthcare providers how to identify, treat, and follow up with patients who smoke. The e-learning courses are designed to complement the OMSC program and are accessible to sites that are currently implementing the OMSC.

The e-courses can be accessed through any computer and upon successful completion of each course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

It is recommended for participants to complete all 5 e-courses; however, participants can also choose to complete only courses of interest. 

Access e-Courses



Note: if you have not already created an account onthe e-Course portal, please select at the bottom of the page 'Click Here to Register'. You will need a private code to create an account - please contact your OMSC Implementation Specialist for this code


OMSC e-Courses Descriptions

OMSC Overview (~10 minutes)

This course will allow participants to: describe the importance of providing smoking cessation treatment to all patients who smoke, list the 5 components of the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation, recognize the importance of the step by step process developed for implementing the OMSC, and list the topics to be covered in the four remaining e-learning courses.

Nicotine Addiction 101 (~10 minutes)

This course will provide participants with background information regarding tobacco and the addictive properties of nicotine and allow them to: identify the basic principles of nicotine addiction, describe what takes place physiologically when a person inhales tobacco smoke, and recognize the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. 


Quit Smoking Medications (~10 minutes)

By the end of this course participants will be able to: describe the importance of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation, list the first-line medications currently available in Canada, explain how these medications work, identify contraindications and list potential side effects of these medications, and tailor pharmacotherapy based on a patient’s individual needs.

Strategic Advice (~30 minutes)

This course will provide participants with effective strategies for: advising patients to quit smoking, identifying potential barriers to quitting and potential solutions, and offering strategic advice to patients who are ready and not ready to quit smoking


How to Complete a Smoking Cessation Consultation (~20 minutes)

The goal of this course is to integrate the knowledge that participants will have learned in the three previous courses by demonstrating how to complete a smoking cessation consultation for smokers ready and not ready to quit. The 5 components of the OMSC will also be covered and participants will be able to describe how to enroll smokers in the Quit Smoking Automated Follow-up Program.